Mr. Kaushik is a Ph.D. candidate at University of Pecs, Hungary. His current research focuses in herb layer community and invasion ecology of a temperate monodominant plant species. He had finished his M.Phil. and M.Sc. from Dept. of Botany, University of Delhi – India in Plant Biotechnology and Botany respectively. He had been a Summer Research Fellow-2013 [Indian Academies of Sciences] and a Stipendium Hungaricum Fellow-2015 [UGC-TPF venture] with six science/outreach publications in press/published. As an active member of SER/E & INSR he is aspiring to upskill his expertise in restoration ecology and ecopreneurship.
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Deccan thorn scrub forests, Khathiar-Gir dry deciduous forests, Malabar Coast moist forests, Narmada Valley dry deciduous forests, Upper Gangetic Plains moist deciduous forests
Botanist, Researcher, Student, Ecologist
Krishan Kaushik
University of Pecs, Pecs - Hungary