Urban Greening: Perspectives on the DOs and the DON’Ts… (and the definite DOs)

Urban Greening: Perspectives on the DOs and the DON’Ts… (and the definite DOs)

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What role does nature play in making cities more sustainable? And how can one contribute to making the cities we live in more equitable? What are some considerations when selecting trees to be planted within a city?

In this talk, Seema shows us a different way of looking at urban greening based on her research and interactions with residents and civic officials. Join us as she chalks out a path forward with planting in urban areas, while navigating the requirements of civic management, concerns of the citizens & RWAs, and the needs of urban biodiversity.

About the Speaker:

Seema Mundoli is a faculty at the Azim Premji University where, along with teaching and research, she engages in communicating research in an accessible manner to the general public.

In addition to peer-reviewed papers and popular articles, she has co-authored several books with Harini Nagendra, including “Shades of Blue: Connecting the Drops in India’s Cities” (Penguin India), “Cities and Canopies: Trees in Indian Cities” (Penguin India), and “So Many Leaves” (Pratham Books).

She is also interested in understanding the role of the media in communicating climate change.

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Date And Time

22-04-2024 @ 16:00 to
22-04-2024 @ 17:00

Registration End Date



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