by Arjun Singh | May 9, 2023 | Publication
Protected areas are essential for both conservation of biodiversity and provisioning of dynamic ecosystem services. In recent years, invasive plant species have had devastating impacts on the sustenance of natural habitat for the in-situ conservation of threatened...
by Arjun Singh | Jun 23, 2022 | Book
Grasses are comparatively less-noticed plants in research and landscape management in India. Their inconspicuous nature does not attract many curious minds, yet, they are an extremely important part of our environment. Covering over 25% of Earth’s total land surface...
by era_ad | May 27, 2022 | Publication
Ecological restoration is a leading strategy for reversing biodiversity losses and enhancing terrestrial carbon sequestration in degraded tropical forests. There have been few comprehensive assessments of recovery following restoration in fragmented forest landscapes,...