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Brahmaputra Valley semi-evergreen forests, North Western Ghats moist deciduous forests, South Western Ghats moist deciduous forests



Upasana Ganguly

Wildlife Trust of India
I currently manage the Right of Passage: Wildlife Corridors Projects at Wildlife Trust of India and have been working in the wildlife NGO sector for the last 10 years. My interest has largely been in landscape ecology and connectivity conservation for large mammals like Asian Elephants and Tigers. I am one of the co-authors for the Right of Passage publication- the only blueprint to secure 101 Elephant Corridors across India. I also lead a network of Green Corridor Champions- training and empowering local community-based organizations for protecting elephant corridors and habitats across 11 states in India. My work also involves forging international collaborations and mobilizing funding support through foundations and charities for the wildlife corridors projects at WTI.