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Central Deccan Plateau dry deciduous forests, Deccan thorn scrub forests, North Western Ghats moist deciduous forests, North Western Ghats montane rainforests, South Western Ghats moist deciduous forests, South Western Ghats montane rainforests


Designer, Naturalist, Nature educator, Permaculture Designer

Ganesh Jagdale

Connect The Dots & 14 Trees Foundation

Ganesh is a naturalist at heart, a permaculture designer and practitioner, self directed education mentor and facilitator with a keen interest in regenerative ecosystems, alternative education (experiential learning) & astronomy. He started his alternative living and alternative education journey in 2019, after spending over 17 years in the corporate tech world.

He has undertaken slow eco travel extensively across India, working and volunteering at various non-profit organisations, farms, learning spaces and villages. He has also worked with alternative schools to set up self-directed learning spaces for children.