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South Deccan Plateau dry deciduous forests



Badri Narayanan Thiagarajan

Dr. Agarwal's Eye Hospital(prof.)

Eye specialist and bird-watcher past 30 years. Dismayed at the abundance of exotic plants in Madurai, Tamil Nadu which are not congenial to breeding birds, I had started to plant native local plants wherever possible in campuses around Madurai for the past 10 to 15 years. More of a part time Native tree/shrub planter rather than doing any restoration work. Learnt of the past natural flora of the banks of the River Vaigai in Madurai through Silapathikaram an epic written by Elango Adigal in the 2nd century BC. Exploring the banks to see whether there are any remnants of the past flora and hopefully would like to create Elango’s Madurai.

Trying to make campuses in urban areas of Madurai bird/ nature friendly.