I am a plant ecologist passionate about the ecology, conservation and restoration of tropical grassy biomes. My research is improving the public and scientific recognition of the importance of global grasslands and savannas. The idea that grasslands, like forests can also be ancient, i. e., old-growth, is still not widely accepted. In addition, the pivotal role of fire and grazing in maintaining the high biodiversity of tropical old-growth grasslands is also not recognized by scientists and policymakers. Consequently, we know very little about the ecology of old-growth grasslands compared to old-growth forests. Through my research, I address this knowledge gap by studying the drivers of plant community assembly in old-growth grasslands and savannas in the hope to provide research-driven solutions to improve biodiversity and local livelihoods.
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Aravalli west thorn scrub forests, Deccan thorn scrub forests
Botanist, Conservationist, Plant taxonomist, Researcher, Scientist, Student
Ashish Nerlekar
Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology, Texas A&M University, TX USA